4th International English Language Teacher Educator Conference, Hyderabad

Call for papers

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce that British Council and EFL – U (English and Foreign Languages University) will co-host the next International English Language Teacher Educator Conference that will be held in Hyderabad from 21 - 23 February 2014 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre. A number of experts, renowned international scholars, practicing teacher educators and policy makers will speak at the conference on the theme “Innovation In English Language Teacher Education”.

A call for papers has been announced and speakers are welcome to submit their proposals online using the online submission form that will be available from 29 July – 30 August.  The last date to submit a proposal is 30 August 2013. Please note that only completed proposals submitted online will be accepted for vetting.

For more details about the conference and guidelines to submit a proposal, please log on our website.

Please feel free to contact us for any further information by emailing us atteconference@britishcouncil.org

We look forward to hearing from you.

If you feel there are potential participants who are interested in attending this conference, request you to please forward this email to them.

Thanks & Regards,

Savina Ellens| Projects Executive, Programmes Team | British Council | 737 Anna Salai | Chennai – 600 002 | IndiaT: +91 44 42050798 | F: +91 44 42050688 | BCTN: 83045798 | E: savina.ellens@in.britishcouncil.org
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