International Conference

"Literature, Language and Communication: 
An Essential Trident"

Its a matter of great pleasure that Amity School of Languages, Amity University, Lucknow Campus in Collaboration with Shakespeare Society of Eastern India, Kolkata is going to organize an International Conference on "Literature, Language and Communication: An Essential Trident" on the 09th & 10th December, 2013

The Conference invites scholarly papers from intelligentsia.  It provides a platform to interact with the renowned Experts from USA, UK, Japan & India. Experts from these countries have already given consent. 

Along with this, selected papers would be published in a Book form with ISBN No.

For details, kindly go through the attached Brochure of the Conference.  Information may also be collected from & 

Dr. Manish Kumar Gaurav
Organizing Secretery
International Conference

Amity School of Languages
Amity University, Lucknow Campus

Associate Editor
Critical Paradigm
An International Journal of English Studies
ISSN: 2249-5665
 Cont: 91- 8874966396


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