International Conference

Cultural Spaces : Canada & India
27-29 January 2014

Department of English
Sri Venkateswara University Tirupati
In association with
Indian Association for Canadian Studies
In honour of  Prof. M.A.K. SUKUMAR
On the eve of his superannuation


Theory and practice of cultural spaces in Canada and India; Cultural Landscapes; India and Canada; Government Policies for preserving and creating cultural landscapes, spaces and heritage, Cultural Spaces in Arts and Literature, Indo-Canadian Diaspora, Environment, and Ecology; Building bridges of friendship through literature and performing arts, Indo-Canadian Films and Film Makers, Cultural Spaces and Immigration, Synergy in Energy: hydro, thermal, and nuclear power Digital Media and cultural spaces in communication, Higher Education and Public Policy: Canada and India, Challenges and Directions in Literary and Cultural Studies: The Canadian and Indian Context, Marginalised/Subaltern Cultures and Voices: Canada and India. 


Papers are invited on the topics mentioned above. An abstract of the paper may be restricted to 300 words and the same may be sent only through e-mail by September 30, 2013 to the Organizing Secretary at the following address. The acceptance of the paper is purely on its merit. Research Papers are invited on anyone of the given themes. Papers should be submitted in accordance with the following guidelines.

1.  Full name as it should appear in certificate.
2.  Designation & College address with e-mail ID.
3.  Title of the Paper.
4.  Abstract (not more than 300 words) should be sent to  (  on or before September 30, 2013
5.  Registration Fee: Non- Members Rs. 1,500; Members Rs 1000.
6.  Full paper along with the registration details and DD towards Registration fee drawn in favour of Organizing Secretary, SVUIACSIC2014, Dept. of English, SVU, and Payable at Tirupati should be sent to the organizing secretary.

Dept. of English, S.V.University,

Note: Participating delegates are informed that TA/DA cannot be provided by the Conference Organizing Committee due to financial constraints. However care will be taken to see that accommodation on payment is provided to out station participants who make a prior request. Hotel / Guest House tariff ranges from Rs. 500 to Rs. 2500

Department of English
International conference
Cultural Spaces : Canada & India

Name & Address: ………………………………… ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………..
E-mail ID..................................................................
Mobile ……………………………………..
Please tick as applicable:
I intend to present a paper:    YES/NO
I intend to participate:          YES/NO
Whether Member of IACS / Non Member
Details of the registration paid …………………… ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..
Accommodation Required: Yes / No
If yes tariff range Rs.  ………………………….



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