UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Reflective Practice in the English Classroom

S.S.K. Basaveshwar College of Arts & Science, Basavakalyan, Karnataka, invites you to a three day UGC sponsored National Seminar on Reflective Practice in the English Classrooms that is going to held on 2nd to 4th March, 2012. 

Themes of the Seminar

Professional Development Programmes for ESL teachers in India: Strengths and Weakness
Self Monitoring/Self Observation of Language Lessons
Teacher Support Groups
Best Practice in ELT
The Role of the English Teacher
New Technologies and Teacher Development

Call for Papers:

Papers including abstract should not exceed 5 to 6 pages types neatly in double space on A4 size paper in MS-Word with 12 font size in Times New Roman Type Name/Names of the author, contact details have to be mentioned.

The hard copy & soft copy of the paper should be sent to Prof.D.T.Angadi, Seminar Convener, S.S.K.B. College, Basavakalyan Dist, Bidar, latest by 20th February 2012. 

Delegation Fee:

Registration fee of Rs.600/- for each participant and Rs.300/- for student.  Registration fee includes conference kit, breakfast, lunch and accommodation.


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