The Department of English at Sri Venkateswara University was established in the year 1959. It started with M.A. course giving emphasis to British Literature with exclusive courses on Shakespeare and Milton. Stalwarts like Prof. M.V.Rama Sarma, the Miltonist and former Vice-Chancellor of the university, Prof.Viswanathan,the Shakespearean scholar shared their literary and academic excellence for the growth of the Department. The Department has so far produced 106 M.Phils and 99 Ph.Ds. These scholars occupy many exemplary academic and administrative positions in India and abroad.

At present the department offers courses on Indian Literature, American Literature, New Literatures, Comparative Literature, Women's Writings, Translation Studies, and ELT besides British Literature for P.G and Research programmes . Probably, it is the only Department that offers exclusive courses on short story in Indian Universities. The Department has so far successfully completed many major and minor research projects and a few are in progress at the moment. The faculty of the department have been visiting every now and then other universities in India and abroad on academic pursuits.  It is Tagore everywhere since the nation took to celebrating 150 years of the Noble laureate's birth. Rabindranath Tagore is a multi-faceted genius who mastered all the popular genres of literature of the period besides leaving an indelible mark in the realms of painting and music. He has a great creative vitality. He wrote more than 2000 poems, novels, dramas , short stories, travelogues, a huge mass of prose including memoirs, Literary criticism, and reminiscences and thousands of songs. His literary footprints were trailblazers for many writers in all literatures. He is acknowledged as the Voice of the Indian Renaissance. Following the humanistic tradition of Vyasa, Valmiki, Basa, Bhavabuthi, Kalidasa, Sudraka, Visakadatta, Raja Rammohan Roy and Bankimchandra Chatterji, he created a literature which is not merely a product of the awakened modern India but also something which deserved the recognition of the modern world. His spiritual presence is awesome. His words evoked great beauty. His Gitanjali has revealed a glimpse of mysticism and sentimental beauty of Indian culture to the West. In 1913, Rabindranath received the Nobel Prize for literature. He was the first non-westerner to be so honored. 150 years after the birth of Rabindranath Tagore, now Indian Literature has travelled a long distance in the way propelled by him. With a new sensibility and awareness cultivated by the modern times, it is quite essential to reread the works of Tagore not only to notice the genius of the master but also to find answers to the modern questions. His pioneering works in the fields of drama, poetry, short story, novel and Literary criticism and music and painting demand a fresh and candid approach to understand him more perceptively. Above all, there is a need for an impassionate study of his work from different points of view to save him from the Tagorians and to place him on the pedestal on which great masters like Ibsen, G.B. Shaw, Maupassant, Chekov, Tolstoy and others are placed. The proposed seminar will provide a suitable platform for the discussion of all the aspects of the works of Rabindranath Tagore from different perspectives.

Thrust Areas
1. On Tagore
2. Of Tagore ( including music & painting )
3. By Tagore
4. Tagore and Contemporary society
5. Tagore in Comparison
6. Tagore in Translation

Research papers are invited on anyone of the given themes. Papers should be submitted in accordance with the following guidelines. 
1. Full name as it should appear in certificate.
2. Designation & college address with email ID.
3. Title of the paper.
4. Abstract (not more than 100 words) should be
sent to ( on or
before 17th February 2012.
5. Papers of single authors are accepted.
6. No Spot Registrations are permitted.
7. Papers and Titles will not be accepted if
presented at the sessions.
8. Attendance at all sessions in both the days is

Registration Fee: Outstation Participants: `. 700, Local Participants : `.500.

Full paper along with the registration details and DD towards Registration fee drawn in favour of “Organizing Secretary, UGC National Seminar, 2012, Department of English, SVU, payable at Tirupati” should be sent to Full papers along with the registration form and DD should be sent on or before 22 February 2012.


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