International Conference on English Literature

ELT@I Special Interests Group would be collaborating with TBAK College for Women, Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram District – one of the reputed institutions in Tamilnadu – is conducting an International conference on English Literature on 21-23 September 2012 – as part of its Silver Jubilee Celebrations.  Apart from plenary sessions, there would be symposia, panel discussions and paper presentations too. Ms. Chris Lima, Moderator, IATEFL Literature, Media and Culture (LMC) SIG has been invited to deliver the Keynote Address. I hope to meet most of you at the first face-to-face meeting of our SIG to be held there. Papers are invited on the conference theme-’Literary Studies: Current trends and Concurrent challenges’.
The sub-themes are:
1.      The Feminist voices in Literature
2.      Literature of the Marginalized and the Subaltern
3.      Literature and Performing Arts
4.      Literature, Films and Visual Culture
5.      Problems of translation.
6.      Literature defining and defined by the Cinema
7.      Language through literature: possibilities and challenges
8.      New Literatures
9.      Eco-consciousness in literature
10.     Gender concerns in literature
11.     Literature in the post colonial scene
12.     The body, the mind and literary creativity
13.     Culture, ethics and morality in literature6.
14.     Technology for the Teaching of Literature
15.     Approaches to the Teaching  of Literature
16.     Qualitative Improvement of Research in Literary Studies.
17.     Study of the works of individual writers.
Last date for submission of abstracts is 31 May 2012. You may log on to ELTAI website  and click on ‘Events’ in the menu given at the top for some more information about the conference.  Full details will soon be made available when the conference brochure is released.


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