National Seminar on Mother Tongue & Literature as Resources in the English Language Teaching (UGC Sponsored)

Theme of the Seminar:
Mother Tongue and Literature play vital role in the teaching and learning of English Language. The influence of mother tongue is proved both positive and negative in the teaching and learning of English. A learner’s L1 is an important determinant of second language acquisition. The L1 is a resource which learners use both consciously and subconsciously to help them arrange and rearrange the L2 data in the input and to perform as best as they can. Stibbard : (1969) argues that the first language is a ‘valuable resource‘ and “ Its use in EFL settings is not detrimental to foreign language development”. Insisting on keeping English only as the medium to learn English , even when students don’t understand what is being said ,may lead to discouragement and frustration of the learners . We shall use English as long as the students understand it well enough to get the message, and insist on their using it as long as they can get their message across . Otherwise the Language teachers could allow mother tonguein the teaching and learning of English language.
The objective of the seminar is to create a platform for academics,research scholars and students to share their experiences about innovations in the teaching and learning of English Language and Literature. The Seminar focuses on matters related to the place of mother tongue & literature in the teaching of English Language. It promotes discussion and analysis of the current trends which, it is hoped will help the delegates to widen their horizon and increase the quality and quantity of knowledge. It strives to explore new methods adopted by various writers in different works of literature and language.  It also aims at exploring the innovative methods in learning and teaching in the contemporary world.

Thrust Areas:
· Use of Mother Tongue in the class room
· Audio –Visual aids and classroom teaching
· Computer assisted Language Teaching
· Literature and Language Teaching
· Literature and the teaching of skills.
· Methods of English language teaching

Important Dates:
Submission of Abstract : 15.02 2012
Submission of full paper : 20.02.2012

Guidelines for paper submission:
An abstract of about 250 -300 words typed in a single column with double spacing in A4 size (Font: Times New Roman), should be sent on or before15.02.2012. 
In soft copy to :

The participants would then be required to send in the full paper on or before 20-02-2012. It should be between 2000 -3000 words and should adhere to the latest MLA style sheet guidelines.  

Registration Fee:
Delegates : Rs.250/-
Research Scholars : Rs.150/-
Students : Rs.50/-
Registration can be done at the college seminar hall on 27th February from 8:30 a.m.onwards. Kindly inform about your participation by 21st February,2012.


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