A Two-Day
National Conference
The Frontiers of English Literature &
The Patterns of English Language Teaching
(9th & 10th November 2012)

Organized by
Discipline of English Studies
Department of M & H, MGIT

Supported by
Industry-Institute Partnership Cell
(IIPC-MGIT, Funded by AICTE)

In association with
English Language Teachers’ Association of India, Hyderabad Chapter

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology
(Affiliated to JNTUH, Accredited by NBA,
AICTE, New Delhi), Gandipet,  Hyderabad-75.
website: www.mgit.ac.in

Topics for the Conference:
·   Literature in Language Classroom
·   Use of Technology in Teaching English
·   Designing Curriculum for English Language Teaching
·    Soft skills Training for Young Graduates
·   Employability skills and Industry needs
·   Innovative trends in ELT
·   Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation of English Language Teaching / Learning
·   Any other theme related to ELT and Literature

Objectives of the Conference:
To create a platform:
·   to exchange views on the role of Literature in Language Teaching
·   to equip ELT Practitioners with the changing paradigms of English Language Teaching for their continuous professional development
·   to explore various trends of English Language Teaching and Learning
·   to bridge the gap between industry and Institutes
·   to redefine the role of Literature with Activities in classroom teaching

Call for papers
Important Dates:
Last Date for submission of Abstract (200 words maximum): 20.10.2012 and for Full Paper: 03.11.2012. Conference Dates: 9th - 10th Nov. ‘12.

Papers must be submitted as per MLA style sheet (7th Edition) to englishconference@mgit.ac.in as MS (2003) word attachment. The full length of the paper should not exceed 10 pages. Margin:1 inch on all sides with Times New Roman font 12 size, with Title: Bold 14, Sub-title: Bold 12 and line Spacing: 1.5.

Quality papers will be published in the forthcoming MGIT online International Journal with ISSN.

Rs.750/- Registration fee
Rs.500/- for Research Scholars & P.G. Students (ID Card mandatory)
Deposit the Registration fee in
Account No: 064310100070680
Andhra Bank
Kokapet Branch : 0643
IFSC Code: ANDB 0000643

e-mail your Registration form, scanned bank- pay-in slip  (with your name) & abstract  on or before 20.10.2012.

Original Bank-pay-in-slip should be submitted at the time of Registration at the conference venue.
No TA/DA will be paid. Accommodation assistance will be provided.

National Conference
The Frontiers of English Literature
The Patterns of English Language Teaching

(9th & 10th November 2012)

Name: ………………………………………….………………………
Date of birth & Age………………………………………………
Teaching Experience……………………………………………
Designation …………………………………………………………
Address for Communication:
e-mail id:……………………………………………………………..
Payment details: Date & Bank
The Registration form may be downloaded from the Institute’s website www.mgit.ac.in or from https://sites.google.com/site/eltaihyd/

Address for Correspondence:
K. Venkata Ramana, Convenor, Cell:9440687246
E.Krishna Chaitanya, Co-convenor, Cell:9550916069
Discipline of English Studies, Department of M & H, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology,
Gandipet, Hyderabad -500 075.
e-mail: englishconference@mgit.ac.in 


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