NELTA 18th International Conference 

Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA) is organising its 18th International Conference on 16-18 February, 2013 Conference Phase I and 20-21 February, 2013 Conference Phase II.  The Conference is a professional get together of a large number of ELT practitioners, experts, textbook/material writers, teacher trainers, etc. from all parts of Nepal and abroad.  The participants at the conference are usually ELT professionals from public as well as private educational organisations and from all levels of education - primary to university.

The theme of the Conference is ‘Transformations in ELT: Contexts, Agents and Opportunities’. Papers can be submitted in the following sub-themes and other topics related to ELT.

·         Multi-modality in teaching English
·         Method, methodology and pedagogy development
·         Content integrated language teaching
·         Developing reading and writing skills differently
·         Technology and Language Teaching
·         Critical and creative pedagogy
·         Action research in the classroom
·         Professional development from bottom
·         New trends in language assessment
·         Task-based language teaching
·         Cultural influences in teaching English
·         Teaching English in large and under-resourced contexts
·         Theory and practice interface
·         Teacher and learner autonomy
·         Inter-textuality in teaching English
·         Teaching and learning English beyond classroom
·         Identity, culture and language pedagogy
·         Media and learning English
·         Teaching English in rural and urban settings
·         Teaching English in large class and under-resourced context
·         Third space and emergence of new method of learning
·         English and Englishes

The Conference will organise plenary sessions, talks/papers, workshops, poster presentations, etc. Exhibitions of ELT materials and books will also be organised.  We would be grateful, if you agreed to do a session during the conference. Please fill out the enclosed "Presenter's Proposal Form" giving details of your presentation(s) and send it as an e-mail attachment to Kamal Poudel, General Secretary at and by December 31, 2012.

NELTA 18th International Conference

16-18 February, 2013 (3 Days)

DAV School, Jawalakhel Lalitpur

20-21 February, 2013 (2 Days) Outside Kathmandu Valley

Presenter’s Proposal Form  

Presenter’s name: _____________________ E-mail ______________________

Title: Prof_______Dr_________ Ms ____ Mr ______

Name (you prefer to be published in the certificate)____________________________

Institution: ____________________________________________________________

ELT Institution you are affiliated to: ______________________________________


Phone Number:_______________(Please give mobile phone number with country code)

Nature of the proposal (Please choose one): Workshop____Talk ______Symposium ______ Poster Presentation________

Preferred day for the presentation (please tick the appropriate date):
  1. Kathamandu Valley: ...........16th Feb(Sat)/ ..........17th  Feb(Sun)/............18th Feb(Mon)
  2. Outside Kathmandu Valley: .............20th Feb(Wed)/ ............21st Feb(Thurs)

Title (no more than 10 words): _____________________________________________

Abstract (Exactly 80-100 words): Abstracts exceeding the word limits will not be considered for the presentations. Please, use the following box to write your abstract.

Target Audience: Primary teachers.......Tertiary Teachers.........University Teachers..............
Author’s blurb bio: Please write your 50-60 words blurb bio in the following box. Please write in a paragraph in third person. For example, Mr./Mrs. Smith is....has worked....S/he was...... 

Where are you presenting? Kathmandu _________Outside Kathmandu ___________Both___________

Registration Fees for the Conference
Nepalese teachers from the Kathmandu Valley and Expats working in Nepal:
Nepalese teachers from Outside Valley:
Early Registration (by 31st Jan. 2013)

Late/On the Spot registration
Early Registration (by 31st Jan. 2013)

Late/On the Spot registration
Members: NRs. 2000/
Non-member: NRs. 2500/
Members: NRs 2500/
Non-members: NRs 2800/
Members NRs. 1500/- Non-members NRs. 2100/-
Members  NRs. 1800/-
Non-members NRs. 2400/-
1.      SAARC Citizens: NRs 3000 ($40)
2.      Expats working in SAARC: NRs 4000 ($50)
3.      Outside SAARC: NRs 8,000 ($100)

Important Notes:

  1. A multimedia projector will be available in all the rooms. But we encourage presenters to bring their own lap-top computer. Our volunteers are ready to help you during the conference. We do not have photocopy service as well. Please bring the required copies of your handouts, or you can copy in the local market here.
  2.  All presenters should register for the conference. Without registration, we do not put the abstract in the conference program. However, the participants/presenters from foreign countries may register upon arrival.
  3. The registration fee may be sent in the form of an account payee cheque to the account of NELTA (Savings Account 0110013038001) drawable by NELTA from Nabil Bank Ltd., Kantipath, Kathmandu. The swift code of Nabil Bank is NARBNPKA. The presenters/participants from outside Nepal may send the money to NELTA account making it sure that NELTA receives the exact amount mentioned in the registration table above. The sender bears the bank service charge himself/herself. Once the registration fee is paid, it is non-refundable. Please note that NELTA holds no financial responsibility for you.  
NELTA members should contact their branch office or the central office for this purpose.
  1. The registration fee includes costs for lunch, tea and snacks on the conference days and stationery. It does not include the costs for travel, lodging, board (except lunch) and other expenses.
  2. Those delegates from SAARC countries and outside the SAARC countries, who participate in the international conference in Kathmandu, are waived registration fees for the conference outside the valley.
  3. Send this form as an e-mail attachment to Kamal Poudel at both   and . Presenters may present one or two presentations at the conference in both venues. One presenter may present maximum two presentations.
  4. Expats working in SAARC are required to produce their valid identity card during registration.
  5. For further details, please write to Kamal Poudel at or visit .
  6. The deadline for the abstract submission is December 31, 2012.
10.  The names of the key speakers and venue for Conference Phase II in Janakpur will be notified later.

For further details, please contact:
Kamal Poudel
General Secretary, NELTA
GPO BOX NO 11110, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1- 4226522(NELTA Office)
Mobile +977-9851060155/ Res. +977-1-4880846


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