Second International Conference organized by British Council at Hyderabad

The 1st International Conference for English Language Teacher Educators, ‘Starting, Stimulating and Sustaining English Language Teacher Education and Development’, was held in Hyderabad in January 2011. Over 600 English language teacher educators from 17 different countries came together to discuss and debate issues relating to teacher education and development. Watch this short film on last year’s educator conference.

The huge success of the conference convinced the conference organisers: the British Council, the English and Foreign Languages University, the English Language Teachers’ Association of India (ELTAI) and the International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) to come together again to host the 2nd International Conference for English Language Teacher Educators from 3-5 March 2012.

This year, the conference focuses on the theme of Assessment and Evaluation of English Language Teacher Education, Teaching and Learning.  The theme is designed to focus our attention on the importance of setting, achieving and maintaining standards which lead to better quality and more accountability, not just at the practitioner level, but also at the programme levels.
Additionally, with the introduction of the Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation policy, which makes it mandatory for all teachers to assess classroom based learning, the conference will provide opportunities for teacher educators to consider how they can assist their teachers in implementing this policy effectively in their own classrooms through providing high quality teacher education and training programmes and modules and classroom based support.

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