Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Literature of the Diaspora 

Dear reseachers

After successfully bringing out the anthology on Modern European Drama lately, it's my privilege to announce the forthcoming venture of ours which is an anthology of research papers on the Diasporic Literature. Diasporic literature has successfully registered itself as an epistemology which requires a discursive debate in the posthuman capitalistic world narrative. It has acquired a cult status in the culture studies which by dint of globalization has come to be recognized as a significant semiotic of existence today. In the academia too the immense thrust upon the same has propelled researchers to invest brainy energies into it and the proposed anthology seeks to infuse fresh perspectives onto the grand narrative called Diaspora. Your original and innovative excursions into the diapsoric disourse are most welcome. 
Kindly note down the following points regarding submissions  

1.  Manuscript must be written in English language.
2.  File must be in Microsoft Word format with single line spacing in A4 size page.
3.  The font of manuscript must be Times New Roman with 12 point size, whereas the title must be in      14 point size, bold.
4.  Only those papers will be granted for review which are not published elsewhere or submitted for        publication.
5.  The authors will have to strictly follow MLA style of documentation, 7th edition (2009) for their      critical articles.
6.  Authors are requested to follow the strict ethics of writing scholarly papers and to shun plagiarism.
7. You may submit the papers till 30.04.2015.
8. Needless to add, the Contributors shall be sent a copy gratis. 
9. Papers may be emailed to:


Dr. Rohit Phutela, 
Assistant Professor, 
Department of English, 
DAV College, 
Sector 10-D, 

and  Editor
The Literati: A Transnational Peer Reviewed Journal Devoted to Language and Literature


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