International Conference on 

Marginalization and Indian English Literature

13th & 14th Feb., 2015

On the Occasion of The Golden Jubilee Year Celebrations of Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune

Organized by

Department of English, Bharati Vidyapeeth University
Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune (India)

The Department of English, Bharati Vidyapeeth University Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune (India) is organizing a two-day International Conference at Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune, India from 13th and 14th February, 2015.

About the conference: Marginalization and Indian English Literature

Marginalization is social disadvantage and relegation to the fringe of society. It is a term used widely in the United Kingdom and Europe, and was first used in France. It is used across disciplines including education, sociology, psychology, politics and economics. It is also called social exclusion.  

Social exclusion is the process in which individuals or entire communities of people are systematically blocked from rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to members of society and which are key to social integration.

The resulting alienation or disenfranchisement is often connected to a person’s social class, education status, relationships in childhood and living standards. It also applies in varying degrees to people with a disability, minorities, fair sex, to the elderly, and to youth. Anyone who deviates in any perceived way from the norm of a population may become subject to coarse or subtle forms of social exclusion.  

The outcome of social exclusion is that affected individuals or communities are prevented from participating fully in the economic, social, and political life of the society in which they live. Material deprivation is the most common result of this exclusion. Ensuing poverty, emotional and psychological trauma, and its resulting diseases may result in catastrophic damage to lives, health, and psyche.

Marginalization is a multidimensional process of progressive social rupture, detaching groups and individuals from social relation and institutions and preventing them from full participation in the normal, normatively prescribed activities of the society in which they live.

One model to conceptualize social exclusion and inclusion is that they are on a continuum on a vertical plane below and above the ‘social horizon’. According to this model, there are ten social structures that impact exclusion and can fluctuate over time: race, geographic location, class structure, globalization, social issues, personal habits and appearance, education, religion, economics and politics.

In an alternative conceptualization, social exclusion theoretically emerges at the individual or group level on four correlated dimensions: insufficient access to social rights, material deprivation, limited social participation and a lack of normative integration. It is then regarded as the combined result of personal risk factors (age, gender, race); macro-societal changes (demographic, economic and labor market developments, technological innovation, the evolution of social norms); government legislation and social policy; and the actual behaviour of business, administrative organizations and fellow citizens.

Marginalization at the individual level results in an individual’s exclusion from meaningful participation in the society. More broadly, many women face social exclusion. Today, women are still marginalized from executive positions and continue to earn less than men in upper management positions. Another example of individual marginalization is the exclusion of individuals with disabilities from the labour force. Some intellectuals and thinkers are marginalized because of their dissenting, radical or controversial views on a range of topics, including HIV/AIDS, sex climate change, evolution, alternative medicine, green energy, or third world politics.

This conference is expected to serve an interdisciplinary forum for intellectual deliberations, constructive discussions and positive conclusions about the theme of the conference.  It will highlight the need of such study and its contributions to literary development.

Further, the conference will serve as the platform to new generation thinkers to share their views and experiences.

Call for papers

The abstract of papers in about 200-250 words must reach the organizers before 5th Feb, 2015 by email as an attachment, with ‘Submission of Abstract’ typed in the subject field by email to The acceptance of the abstract will be communicated immediately. The abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in ISBN numbered proceeding. The participants whose abstracts are accepted have to submit the full paper before 7th February 2015 by email as an attachment, with ‘Submission of Full Paper’ typed in the subject field to The selected papers will be published in the book form immediately after the conference.

Specifications for submission of abstract/full paper:

The papers should be in MS-Word format with Times New Roman font, 12 point size, 1.5 line spacing and be in the latest MLA style with restriction of 8-10 pages. Papers related to Marginalization and Indian English Literature alone will be accepted for presentation and publication.


The conference will have plenary sessions, paper presentation sessions and panel discussion. The official language of the conference will be English. Provision will be made for the use of standard presentation tools for the convenience of the paper presenters.

The Organizers: Bharati Vidyapeeth

Bharati Vidyapeeth is the parent organization of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University; Pune is one of the largest educational organizations in the country having various colleges, schools, institutes of higher education and research imparting education in a large variety of academic programmes. Dr. Patnagrao Kadam, the founder of Bharati Vidyapeeth and Chancellor of BVDU, laid the foundation of this historic institution in 1964 with an objective of ‘Social Transformation through Dynamic Education’ which is the driving force of Bharati Vidyapeeth. As an educational institute of international repute, Bharati Vidyapeeth has been doing the momentous work by enhancing the accessibility of higher education, making available to different sections of population on its way to the proposed Golden Jubilee Celebrations this year. Bharati Vidyapeeth has now grown up as one of the largest educational organizations in the country having 67 colleges of liberal and professional education with 67 colleges of liberal and professional education with 73 schools of Marathi and English medium. The Campuses located at Kadegaon (Sangli)and at Jawhar, the tribal area in Thane district, which are totally devoted to welfare and all round progress of the weaker sections of the society speak volumes about the social commitment of Dr.Patangrao Kadam. Since 2006, Dr. Vishwajit Kadam has been leading this institution in his capacity as the Secretary of Bharati Vidyapeeth.

The Year 2014-15 marks the Golden Jubilee Year of the establishment of Bharati Vidyapeeth. Hence we propose to have this seminar as a part of the Golden Jubilee Year Celebrations.

Bharati Vidyapeeth University:

It was one of the most glorious moments in the life of Bharati Vidyapeeth when the Government of India on the recommendations of University Grants Commission, accorded the status of ‘Deemed to be University’ to a cluster of 12 colleges and thus the Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University started functioning in April 1996. The number of constituent units has gone gradually increasing and now it is as large as 29. They include colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Nursing, Pharmacy, Engineering, Architecture, Law, Management, Environment, Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Bio Technology, Arts, Commerce, Science and Social Sciences.

During a short period of 16 years there has been continuous increase in the number of programmes offered by the university. In all, we offer 200 programmes. The University presently having 800 overseas students on its roll. In appreciation of our efforts, the NAAC(Bengluru) has Accredited and Re-accredited our University successively with prestigious “A” grade.

Yashwantrao Mohite College:

Our college has very unique place in the organizational set up as it is with this college in the year 1978 Bharati Vidyapeeth entered into the field of higher education. Possibly it is one of the first few colleges in India which preferred to become part of any Deemed University and established an example. Presently there are 278 foreign students from 14 countries and almost from all states of India have enrolled with us. Our proud alumni have been honoured with prestigious Padma Shri award and Shiv Chhatrapati Krida Puraskar. We are proud to mention that our alumni are working in various fields of life. Our efforts have been honoured by conferring upon us titles and awards of recognition. The present seminar is continuation of the celebrated tradition of academic endeavours.


Pune is very well connected by air, rail and road. The participants coming by Air may hire pre-paid taxi or a Radio Wings Cab available at Pune Airport. Those reaching Pune by Train can get Auto Rickshaw at Pune Railway Station to reach the venue. From Mumbai Airport one can get the Travels Cars on sharing basis for onward journey to Pune. The distance from Pune Airport to Pune is 20 kms, 15 kms from Pune Railway Station and 170 kms from Mumbai Airport.

Registration fee

Outstation delegates      : Rs. 1500.00

Local delegates              : Rs. 1000.00

Students/ Scholars         : Rs. 700.00

Foreign nationals            :  $  150.00

The DD should be drawn in favour of “The Principal, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune – 38” payable at Pune. Please register yourself with organizers on or before 5th February, 2015. After 6th February including spot registration, Rs. 500/- will be charged as a late fee.

Details for Online Payment. (You can also pay through any SBI Branch by Depositing Cash):

Bank Name : State Bank of India

Branch: Deccan Gymkhana, Pune

Account No: 31791360494

Account Type: Saving

Account Holder’s Name: Yashwantrao Mohite College Pune

IFSC Code: SBIN0001110

IMP: After the payment, it is mandatory to send the image / scanned copy of the Payment Receipt through mail immediately. This is important regarding confirmation of the registration. Without it the Registration will be treated incomplete.


Modest accommodation will be provided free of cost for one day only i.e 13th Feb., 2015 to the registered outstation participants. But, they have to make prior request in this regard. Request has to be made to the Organizing Secretary on or before 7th , February, 2015.

Foreign delegates, have to make provision of accommodation on their own.

Organizing committee


Hon’ble Dr. Patangrao Kadam, Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune
Prof. Dr. Shivajirao Kadam, Vice Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune


Dr. Vishwajit Kadam, Secretary, Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune 


Prin. Dr. K.D. Jadhav, Principal, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune

Organizing President:

Dr. Rajaram S. Zirange, Head, Department of English, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune


Dr. Vivek A. Rankhambe, Associate Professor, Dept of English, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune

Organizing Committee:

Dr. Coomi Vevaina, Mumbai University, Mambai
Dr. M. L. Jadhav, Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Dr. Jaywant Mhetre, Bapuji Salunkhe College, Karad
Dr. P.F. Patil, Pune
Dr. Vilas Salunke, Pune
Dr. Ramakant Walwadkar, Pune
Dr. Tanaji Kolekar, Solapur University, Solapur

With regards:
Head, Postgraduate Department of English,
Bharati Vidyapeeth University,
Yashwantrao Mohite College, 
Erandwane, PUNE - 411038. INDIA
Cell: +91 9423009513.

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