CFP for Books

No charges will be levied to the contributors and a free copy will be given to all contributors, papers will be reviewed by peers and indexing

I am glad to inform you that I am going to edit my next books on below mentioned titles of research papers on Literature in English. Authentic, scholarly and unpublished research papers are invited from scholars/ faculty/researchers/ writers/professors from all over the world for following volumes tentatively titled as:

1. Twentieth Century European Drama
2. Social Issues in Indian Plays and Novels
3. The Fourth world Literary Plays and Novels
4. Twentieth Century world literature

Proposed Publisher
The volume will be published with an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) by a renowned publisher.

Thematic Focus of the Volume
The articles should be related to above mentioned titles of research papers of works.

Editing Requirements

• Paper size: A4, Font & size: Times New Roman 12, Spacing: 1.5 lines, Margin of 1 inch on all four sides.
• Title of the paper: bold, Sentence case (Capitalize each word), centered.
• Text of the paper: Justified. Font & Size: Times New Roman - 12.

• References: Please follow MLA style. 
• Articles should be submitted as MS Word 2003 attachments only.
• The paper should not usually exceed 15 pages maximum, 10 pages minimum in 1.5 lines spacing. or (3000 to 5000 words)

• Each paper must be accompanied by i) A declaration that it is an original work and has not been published anywhere else or sent for publication ii) A short bio-note of the contributor(s) indicating name, institutional affiliation, brief career history, postal address, mobile number and e-mail, in a single attachment. Please don’t send more attachments. Give these things below your paper and send all these things in a single attachment.
• The papers submitted should evince serious academic work contributing new knowledge or innovative critical perspectives on the subject explored.

Mode of Submission

Each contributor is advised to send full paper with brief bio-note, declaration and abstract as a single MS-Word 2003 or MS-word 2007 email attachments to my email addresses ; ; last date is 20 December 2013, ( this is Final date). The contributors are also supposed to submit (i) Full paper (ii) A declaration and (iii) Brief bio-note typed in above mentioned format.(iv) Hard copy of the paper is must and is to be sent to the address mentioned below:

Nagraj Holeyannavar
Goudar Oni
Gulganji Koppa

Yours faithfully

Nagraj Holeyannavar
Assistant Professor
09060021209/ 09738803834

NB: Mention on subject line your paper name and your name to the file or attachment

Gulganji Koppa
Goudar oni


  1. Dear Sir,

    Please update with conference and seminars news if possible.

    Dr Somanchi Sai Kumar
    Lecturer in English
    Govt. Degree & PG College
    Tekkali 532201,
    Srikakulam District
    Andhra Pradesh. India


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