9th International Writers Festival-India
(An international Conference of Poets, Writers & Scholars etc.)
(9-10 November, 2013, Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)-India

Venue Narayana Engineering College, Narayana Avenue, Nellore-524 004 (Andhra Pradesh) - India
Contact person : Prof. (Dr.) K. Saroja Devi, Head Dept. of Humanities & Sciences
Ph. 09703 785727, e-mail : sarojasudheer@gmail.com
Dates : 9 and 10 November, 2013 (From 11.00 AM to 7.00 PM both days)
LocationNarayana Engineering College is situated about 03 kilometer away from Railway Station and Bus Stand, Nellore. The city of Nellore is well connected with Road and Rail. Nearest domestic airport is at Chennai (Tamilnadu) which is about 175 kilometer away from Nellore. From Chennai one can come to Nellore by Bus/Rail or Taxi. The international Airport is at Delhi. From Delhi one may take domestic flight for Chennai. For domestic flights from Delhi to Chennai pl. visit : www.makemytrip.comwww.yatra.com  or we can provide guidance for that. One can also travel by Train (Rajdhani Express... takes 28 hours). Participants from abroad are advised to reserve domestic flights separately and do not club the same with their International flight.  Advance E-ticket for Rail reservation facility on Internet is available. Please. visit Indian Railways website: <http://www.indianrail.gov.in>. We can provide guidance for trains / domestic flights. It is advisable to make train/flight reservation well in advance.

OrganiserIndia Inter-Continental Cultural Association (Regd,), / Kafla Inter-continental (Literary journal by IICCA)
# 3437 Sector 46-C, Chandigarh-160047 (India)
Contact person : Dev Bhardwaj, Director, IICCA. Mobile Ph. +98728 23437 & +90234 07937
email : iicca@live.com;  editorkafla@yahoo.com; writerdev@gmail.com
Co-organisers1. International Poets Society (Face Book), Founder : Mr. Perugu Ramakrishna, Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)-India
Mobile Phone : 09849230443 e-mail : 

2. Shruti-the School of Music, Guwahati (Assam).
Contact Person : Dr. Parinita Goswami, Mobile Ph. +98640-77911,
email : parinitagoswami@gmail.com
3. Narayana Engineering College, Narayana Avenue, Nellore-524 004 (Andhra Pradesh) - India
Contact person : Prof. (Dr.) K. Saroja Devi, Head Dept. of Humanities & Sciences
Ph. 09703 785727, e-mail : sarojasudheer@gmail.com
Supported by :Sannidhi Publications, Chief Editor: Allu Bhaskar Reddy, Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)-India
Murali Krishna Group Hotels,Trunk Toad, Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)- India
Main Theme Literature & World Peace with special focus on VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM (the whole world is one family).
Other Suggestive Topics for Papers : (i) Contribution of Saintly-Poets for Universal Brotherhood (ii) Devotional Literature (iii) Creating writing (iv) Tradition of Oral Literature (v) Dalit Literature (vi) Modern & Experimental Literature (vii) Internet & Literature (viii) Literary Journalism (ix) Translation Literature (x) Literary Trends (xi) Comparative literary studies (xii) Role and responsibilities of Humanities and social sciences in Technical education (xiii) Diaspora Litrature (xiv) Romani (Roma’s) Literature (xv) Any other topic in consultation with the organisors.
Please send abstract of paper thru email at iicca@live.com or editorkafla@yahoo.com or writrdev@gmail.com
by 30 September, 2013. Full paper to be presented during the conference.
LanguagesEnglish, Hindi and Telgu. However the participating poets can read poetry in any language.

Date wise activity
 November 2013 : Opening at 10.30 AM (five sessions till evening @ 7.00 PM) + Musical evening 7 to 9 PM
10 November 2013 : Starting first session at 10.30 A.M. (Closing at 7.00 P.M. with distribution of certificates)
(On both days there would be presentation of papers, discussions, poetry-reading, release of books/ C.D., singing, cultural/musical programmes etc. etc. Minute to minute programme will be circulated during the Festival/conference)
REGISTRATION FEE (Non-Refundable) :  For participants from India (Deadline 30 September 2013) :
General category : 
Rs. 1000. if paid by deadline. Rs. 1250 if paid after deadline and Rs.1500 if paid on the spot.
For our Life Members : Rs. 750. if paid by deadline. Rs. 1000 if paid afterdeadline and Rs.1500 if paid on the spot.
For non-delegates/accompanist etc. = Rs. 500 (They will take part only as listeners)
Free Lunch & Dinner on 9 Nov. 2013, Lunch on 10 Nov. 2013 + Tea & Refreshments on both days + Festival Folder, stationery etc.
No registration Fee for participants from abroad & we provide them normal food and accommodation / stay at homes etc.
During the Festival/conference our LIFE MEMBERS will be honoured with suitable titles/awards. They are requested to send their biographical details (thru email) so as to submit before the jury. If you are not enrolled as Life Member you can become now.
No Registration Fee for participants from abroad.
Accomodation (Hotels) Applicable to all : All types of accommodation is available in Nellore starting from Rs.500 onwards per room (double-bed) per day.  For accommodation, please contact Mr. Perugu Ramakrishna, Nellore (Andhra Pradesh) - India.    Mobile Phone : 09849230443 e-mail : perugu.ramakrishna@gmail.com



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