International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication

Call for papers


• Writer as keeper of languages
• Fiction(Regional and English) as cultural texts
• Subaltern voices
• Post-colonial perceptions
• Diaspora
• Cross-cultural feminist perspectives
• Translation as cross-cultural dialogue
• Popular and legitimized culture
• English literature in a multicultural classroom
• Ethics and aesthetics of literature


• Englishes of the world
• English and social mobility
• English for Specific Purposes in a multicultural world
• Corporate Communication in a multicultural workplace
• Native speaker vs. non-native language models
• ESL& EFL acquisition in a multicultural classroom
• Assessing English language Proficiency
• Impact of English on regional languages
• Use of L1 in the English language classroom
• Remaking films in a different language and milieu
The conference welcomes the participation of scholars and researchers in literature, language and fields related to the topic of the conference, from all educational institutions/ industry /cultural societies. The paper submitted should not have been published or accepted for publication in journals/conferences.
The prospective author can submit the paper on any of the sub-themes on or before: 31 October 2013.
All papers should be as per MLA style and must not exceed 3000 words. Please indicate the sub-theme to which the paper belongs on the top left corner.
If a paper has more than one author, both authors should register for the conference.Papers should be submitted to
Two outstanding papers, one in English Literature and one in English Language, will be selected and duly awarded. The awards carry a cash prize of 100 USD each.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in a volume with an ISBN number. The publication will serve as a record of the conference as well as reference for research in the area.

  • Foreign Delegates: 100 USD
  • Indian Delegates: 1500 INR
  • Students/ Research Scholars: 1000 INR
Fee may be sent as DD drawn in favour of- The Principal, KCG College of Technology, payable at Chennai.


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