ELTAI International Conference

Dear English franternity,

8th International and 44th ELTAI Annual Conference 
18-20  July 2013
SRM University,Chennai. 
Theme: 21st Century Learner: Learning Styles and Strategies'.
Confirmed speakers 
1. George Pickering - British Council
2. Janet K Orr - RELO
3. Hayo Reinders - Bangkok 
4. Diane Millar - RELO
5. Kapil Kapoor - Ret. Prof. JNU

Last date for submission of Abstracts 20h June 2013.
ELTAI Best English (Language/Literature) Awards. 
Self-Nomination Form and full details available at  www.eltai.in 
For conference updates visit our conference site www.eltaiconferences.com  


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