8th International Conference and
44th Annual ELTAI Conference
Organized by SRM University, Chennai
In collaboration with the English Language Teachers’ Association of India
18 - 20 July 2013 (Thursday, Friday & Saturday)
University website: www.srmuniv.ac.in
ELTAI conference website: www.eltaiconferences.com  www.eltai.in

Theme: 21st Century Learner: Learning Styles and Strategies

Ø Learning Resources
Ø Rural and Urban Learners
Ø Self Directed Learning
Ø Learning Strategies of Good Language Learners
Ø Slow Learners
Ø Linguistics and Language Learning
Ø Psychology of Language Learning
Ø Learning disabilities
Ø Learning Technologies
Ø Evaluation of Learning Outcomes
Ø Development of Thinking Skills
Ø Globalization and Language Learning
Ø e Learning
Ø Diagnostic Testing and Remedial Teaching… so on


Proposals are invited from English language teachers and research scholars for paper presentations or workshops on the theme of the conference and also any other related aspects of teaching English language or literature.

The abstract (not more than 150 words) in MS Word format, Times New Roman, font size 12 should be submitted online at: www.eltaiconferences.com and a copy of the abstract should be sent as an email attachment to:  cess.2013@srmuniv.ac.in

The abstract should include

·    Title of the paper                         : Bold, Times New Roman, Font size - 14
·    Name of the authors        : In capital letters, Times New Roman Font size - 12
·    Address                          : Full address with email id and phone number
The full paper, not exceeding four pages, needs to be sent on or before 30th June 2013
Select papers will be published separately with ISBN number and will be issued on payment.

Registration up to 31st May 2013 (Early Bird)

ELTAI Members                                :     900/-  
Non-ELTAI Members                        :    1,000/-
Registration fee after 30th May 2013
ELTAI Members                               :    1,000/-
Non-ELTAI Members                       :    1,100/-
Spot Registration                                           :    1,200/-
Overseas participants                                   :    USD 100
Registration fee includes Conference kit, Lunch and Refreshments.
Registration form available in www.eltaiconferences.com is to be sent along with a DD in favour of ELTAI, Chennai to:
The Secretary, ELTAI
D-54, Third Floor, Anantham Apartment,
156 SIDCO Nagar Main Road, Chennai - 600 049
Note:     Participants should send separate DDs for registration and accommodation in   the hostel

Accommodation will be provided for outstation participants in the SRM University hostel on payment of Rs 900/- (For three days, inclusive of breakfast and dinner)
DD for accommodation in hostel should be in favour of SRM English Association, payable at Chennai. The DD along with a copy of registration form should be sent on or before 10th July 2013 to:
            Dr. K  ANBAZHAGAN
            Head, Department of English & Foreign Languages
            Faculty of Engineering and Technology
            SRM University, Kattankulathur
            Kancheepuram District – 603 203

Participants can make their own arrangements for stay in hotels (AC) within a reach of 3 Km from SRM University (ranging from      1,200/- to 2,500/- (twin sharing basis).


Abstract submission                       : 20th June 2013
Acceptance of abstracts                : 25th June 2013
Full paper submission along
with registration fee                       :30th June 2013
Spot registration                             : 18th July 2013
Accommodation fee (in SRM hostel):10th July 2013


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