National Seminar at Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore

National Seminar on
English in the Classroom: The Science of Communication
9-10 March 2013
Department of English
Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore

About the Seminar:

Globalization is important to grasp on various foreign languages and English language comes first. The role of English is higher than ever as evidenced by its position as a key subject of medium of instruction and curriculum. The new era assigns new challenges and duties on the modern teacher. The scope of English Language Teaching (ELT) has been drastically changed with the remarkable entry of technology which provided so many options as making teaching interesting and also making English more productive in terms of improvements.
English language is at the leading edge of scientific and technological developments, new thinking in economies and management, new literatures and entertainment genre. It is true that there are teachers who use ‘cutting edge’ technology to teach English. It is fair to assert that the growth of the internet has facilitated the growth of the English language and that this has occurred at a time when computers are no longer the exclusive domain of the tech-savvy few, but rather available to many. With this there has been a very significant proliferation of literature regarding the use of technology in teaching English language. Mostly these writings unequivocally accept technology as the most essential part in teaching. With the rapid development of science and technology, the emerging and developing of multimedia technology and its application to teaching, featuring audio, visual, and animation effects comes into full play in English class teaching and sets a favorable platform for reform and exploration on English teaching model in the new era.
In this context, the National Seminar "English in the Classroom: The Science of Communication", aims at appreciating new technologies in the areas and functions where they provide something decisively new and useful providing abundant information crossing time and space. It invites ample insights on seeking the integration of teaching and learning to transform English learning into capacity cultivation besides inspiring the learners to positive thinking and communication skills in social practice.

Focus Areas 
  • Use of Technology in Teaching English 
  • Innovative trends in ELT
  • Technology in English language/ literature education & Language Arts
  • Innovations and experiments in English language/ literature education
  • Designing Curriculum for English Language Teaching
  • Employability skills and Industry needs
  • Any other theme related to ELT and Literature
  • Effective Technology Integration in English: Theory & Practice 
  • Software, Media Tutors and Tools in ELT & ESP 
  • Informationalism in ELT & Allied areas  Media tools & Materials in English Communication Skills
  • Global Englishes – Bidialectalism and Multidialectalism
  • Curricula and materials of English language/ literature education
  • EFL/ESL pedagogy

Literature in Language Classroom
 Soft skills Training for Young Graduates
 English Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development
 Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation of English Language Teaching / Learning
 Trends in testing and evaluation in English language/ literature
 Multimedia and Hypermedia tools in ELT & Literature
 Technology Integration and Internet in Literature – Current trends
 Synchronous and asynchronous on-line communication critical skills for learners of English
 Language through Literature
 Media and Real English
 Online Teaching Materials and Methodology
 Language as a Tool of Power and Influence
 English for Science and Technology

Call for Papers:

Papers are invited on any of the above areas. Papers are expected to follow the 7th Edition of MLA
Style Sheet. Kindly consider the following details:  
Use MS Word doc or docx format
Times New Roman 12 font for the body – 2 line-spaced

Avoid foot note; work it into the text

Pdfs are not accepted, headings in 14 font

Last Date for sending Abstracts*
- 10th February For Teachers
Rs. 600
Intimation of Acceptance - 17th February
For Scholars & Students
Rs. 400
Submission of Full Papers**
- 05th March (Max. 4000 words) Last date for Registration - 25th February 2013



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