National Conference on Diaspora

                                                 National Conference on
                        Diaspora Studies: Srilanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh
                                                10 – 11 September 2012
                                                         organized by
                            UGC-SAP, Institute of English, University of Kerala

Diaspora has become an inevitability due to large scale migrations or movement from home topoi to host topoi, exhibiting solidarity in terms of ethnic identity and culture. The late twentieth century has witnessed the beginnings of an academic interest in diaspora studies. The literary and artistic effusions of these diasporic communities have warranted scrutiny from a socio-cultural perspective. This National Conference on Diaspora Studies gains significance as it will take up for discussion the various dimensions including the literary, historical, anthropological, economic, political and cultural paradigms of Srilankan, Pakistani and Bangladeshi diaspora.

The conference is open to teachers and researchers attached to any educational institution in India. Those who wish to make presentations may forward their abstracts in about 300 words to The Coordinator, UGC-SAP, Institute of English, University of Kerala, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram-34 or mail to The last date for receiving abstracts has been extended to 18 August 2012 and the full paper on or before 25 August 2012.


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