International Conference

Translation, Technology and Globalization in Multilingual Context, New Delhi,
June 23-26, 2012
Jointly organized by Indian Translators Association and linguainda
Venue: Instituto Cervantes (Official Cultural Center of Govt. of Spain), New Delhi

Nowadays the demand for translation and language related services has increased exponentially. Translation is not only needed for the promotion of literature and cross cultural activities, it has become an essential tool for keeping pace with the globalization phenomenon which is inseparable from technology and localization processes.
The role of Translation becomes more critical when companies with global reach need to contact in real time their customers in local languages. Therefore, it is quite evident that over the past decades, localization has progressed from being an added effort by some software publishers to a multi-billion dollar professional industry. Localization, web site globalization, language engineering, and software internationalization have become important issues for companies that want to market and sell their products in international markets. In many cases, localization has proven to be the key factor for international product acceptance and success.
Translation, localization, IT and Technology have added unprecedented dynamism in economic, social and cultural activities across the globe. India, being one of the major players, has undergone revolutionary changes within its economic, social and cultural systems giving way to Informational Technology and Business Process Outsourcing. The steady economic growth and reforms have helped Indian economy attract record inflow of Foreign Direct Investment and joint ventures creating a high demand for language consumption in local languages as well as foreign languages. It is important to note that Languages being essential tools of communication have also undergone fundamental changes in order to be part of essential determinants of economic changes. Therefore, language learning is not merely a natural acquiring process; rather, it has become a specialized field that needs professional training and technological integration.
Therefore, translators can no longer rest on their laurels but, like any other service provider, must continuously upgrade themselves by coming to terms with an ever developing technology (including IT resources such as CAT tools and project management tools) and adapt to increasingly stringent professional demands involving good commercial practices, project management processes, terminology management, development of quality standards and effective client services.
It follows that there is an urgent need to identify the gaps and take effective measures by providing required training to language professionals, translators, interpreters and other stake holders including service providers and service takers and make best use of the immense opportunities being offered in this area.
The previous international conference on "Role of Translation in Nation Building, Nationalism and Supranationalism” held in Delhi on December 16-19, 2010 at Instituto Cervantes has shown how translators play a key role in social and cultural change in society and help in dissemination of the ever expanding knowledge and information available, and how their role becomes more important in the Indian context as they help in spread of knowledge to all corners of Indian society that consists of a mosaic of sub-cultures and sub identities within multilingual and multicultural contexts.
The Third International Conference on "Translation, Technology and Globalization in Multilingual Context” extends these discussions to interrelationship between translation, technology and globalization followed by pedagogic challenges and professional development of translators.
Against this background, the International Conference on Translation, Technology and Globalization in Multilingual Context would like focus on the following themes:
· Globalization, internationalization, localization and translation (GILT)
· Translation in Interrelation with Globalization and Technology
· Government policies towards translation and languages
· Channels of communication and the mass media
· Teaching and training in translation and interpreting
· Theoretical approaches to translation
· Pedagogic challenges in translation
· Translation and interpreting as a profession
· The role of the translation service providers
· Translation of specialized text (scientific, technical, medical etc.)
· Translation Management in Global Markets
· Team building and marketing of translation services
· Quality Standards in Translation
· Terminology management and project management in translation
· The publishing industry and translation
· Copyright in translation: theories and practices
· Content management
· Machine and memory tools in translation
· Technology and innovation in translation
The Organizing Committee invites papers on the above mentioned themes. Abstract (400 words) should be submitted by April 20, 2012. While submitting your abstract kindly mention Title of your Paper and also attach your biodata (brief profile) and photo along with your contact details and e-mail address. Please send your abstract, paper and queries to ITAINDIA Secretariat at
Or call at: +91-11-26291676/41675530 Mobile: +91-9810268481 / +91-8287636881
Web:   Skype:
·         Four days main conference with keynote speakers and concurrent tracks
·         Pre and Post-conference day with workshops, roundtables and job fairs for smaller groups
·         Exhibit area with leading tool and service providers
·         Showcase of leading national and international language and cultural institutions
·         Teachers, Professors and Educators and researchers involved in translation
·         Translators, interpreters and language professionals
·         Language students ( Indian as well as foreign languages)
·         Heads and Managers of BPOs and Research agencies
·         Heads and Managers of translation and interpretation agencies
·         Heads of organizations involved in language training
·         Content writers, localization and globalization managers
·         Representatives of publishing houses
·         Editors, Proof-readers
·         Buyers of translation and interpretation services
·         CAT Tool Service Providers
·         Quality Control Managers
·         Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 20, 2012
·         Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2012
·         Deadline for submission of final papers: May 30, 2012
·         Payment of early registration: May 15, 2012

For inquiries:
For submissions:

M. S. Xavier Pradheep Singh
Assistant Professor in English
V. O. Chidambaram College
Thoothukudi - 628008
Tamilnadu, India
Xavier Pradheep Singh


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