International Conference in Hyderabad

English Language Teacher Educator Conference

Call for Papers

British Council and English and Foreign Languages University co-host an annual conference for English Language Teacher Educators. This event is considered to be the world’s largest English Language Teacher Educator Conference and is now in its fifth year. The conference will be held again in Hyderabad International Convention Centre , Hyderabad, India from 27 February – 1 March 2015.

The theme of the conference is “Ensuring Quality in English Language Teacher Education”. Details about the theme and sub theme are available in the flyer given below. Kindly refer to the guidelines for submitting a proposal and a few samples of proposals that are available on our website before you submit your proposal online. Only proposals submitted online will be accepted for vetting.  The last date to submit a proposal is 28 September 2014.
27 February–01 March 2015, Hyderabad International Convention Centre, India.
Call for papers

Ensuring Quality in English Language Teacher Education
2015 marks the fifth anniversary of the annual International English Language Teacher Educator Conference. Our previous conference themes have covered a wide range of areas including stimulating and sustaining teacher education (2011), assessment (2012), teacher education in diverse environments (2013) and innovation (2014). The underlying theme of all these conferences has been improving learning outcomes through quality teacher education and teaching. This year, we will focus on ensuring quality in teacher education in the belief that quality in teachers’ learning leads to better learning outcomes for our learners.
The theme allows a wide-ranging exploration of teacher education in India and beyond, with a focus on quality in both pre-service education and in-service training. Key policy initiatives and documents in India such as the Teacher Education Mission launched in April 2013, the National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education and the Planning Commission of India’s 12th Five Year Plan highlight issues of quality as fundamental to all aspects of the initial and continuing professional development of teachers, whether it is delivered face to face or online, moderated or self access.
In adopting ‘quality’ as the main theme of this year’s conference, we commit ourselves to continuing to provide a world-class experience for our conference delegates and speakers. In 2014, we welcomed 1,281 delegates from 31 countries, and received overwhelmingly positive feedback through our most detailed evaluation process to date. Each year, the conference offers a variety of high quality sessions, including plenaries, panel discussions, debates, talks and workshops.
The central theme of Ensuring Quality in English Language Teacher Education is articulated through the three sub-themes detailed below. These are relevant to pre-service and in-service teacher education and across the primary, secondary and higher education sectors.
Our intention is that the themes will be applied to examples of national, regional and local policy and practice to ensure a diversity of perspectives and input.
Sub-theme 1: Policy and quality initiatives
  • developing standards and defining quality for teacher education
  • incentives for implementation
  • public, private and institutional initiatives
  • global, national, regional and local best practice
  • promoting access and inclusivity.
Sub-theme 2: Monitoring and evaluating quality
  • learning from experience and experimentation
  • teacher education programme evaluation and methods of measurement
  • the impact of teacher education on learner outcomes
  • qualifications, certification and frameworks
  • tracking non-formal or self-directed continuing professional development.
Sub-theme 3: Enhancing the quality of curriculum, materials and methods in English language teacher education
  • efficacy of differing pedagogies and methodologies
  • teacher education through digital platforms
  • action research to improve classroom practice
  • curriculum and syllabus development for teacher education
  • modelling inclusive practices.
We look forward to welcoming you to Hyderabad in February 2015.

Call for papers now open
Log on to to submit a proposal online.
For more details, visit our website or email us at

Best Regards

Teacher Educator Conference Team
British Council | 737 Anna Salai | Chennai | 600002 | India
T: + 91 44 4205 0600 | T: + 91 44 4205 0795 | T: + 91 44 4205 0798 | F: + 91 44 4205 0688

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