UGC Sponsored National Seminar in Nanded

UGC & S. R. T. M. U. Nanded Sponsored 

One-Day National Conference
Reflection of the Changing Indian Society in Indian Drama in English 

27th April 2013

Organized by 
Department of English 
Shri Sant Janabai Education Society’s 
Arts, Commerce and Science College Gangakhed Dist. Parbhani 431514 (M.S.) 
(Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded M.S. ) 

Organizer Convener

Prin. Dr. B. M. Dhoot Prof. S. N. Kadam

Organizing Secretary
Dr. R. T. Bedre 

Phone – 02453-222048
Convener: 9422879369
Organizing Secretary: 09422544305
Email – 

About the Conference
According to a popular definition of literature, it holds mirror to the society. It is the literary response of a creative and sensitive mind to the changes taking place in the society around him/her. No other genre of literature can be more realistic in nature than drama. Indian drama written in English or translated from regional languages in English seems to have reflected the Indian society and the changes taking place therein. The present conference proposes to cause academic discussions and deliberations on this aspect of Indian English drama. Exploring possibilities of research in this area for the upcoming scholars is also our intention. 

Call for paper 
Sub-themes for papers and discussions in the conference are:
1. Reflection of Political Power (democracy) in Indian English drama
2. Reflection of Religion in Indian English drama 
3. Reflection of Marriage and Family in Indian English drama 
4. Reflection of Caste System in Indian English drama 
5. Reflection of Bureaucracy in Indian English drama
6. Reflection of Education and Economy in Indian English drama 
The papers received after the deadline shall be considered for presentations only.
Editing Requirements
• Paper size: A4, Font & size: Times New Roman 12, Spacing: 1.5 lines, Margin of 1 inch on all four sides.
• Title of the paper: bold, Sentence case (Capitalize each word), centered.
• Text of the paper: Justified. Font & Size: Times New Roman - 12.
• References: Please follow MLA style. 
• Articles should be submitted as MS Word 2003 attachments only.
• The paper should not usually exceed 10 pages minimum in 1.5 lines spacing. Or (3000 to 5000 words)

Shri Sant Janabai Education Society’s 
Arts, Commerce and Science College, Gangakhed Dist. Parbhani. (M.S.) 
Registration Form

1. Name _________________________________

2. College _______________________________

3. Sex _____________ 4. Age _____________

5. Status: teacher delegate /student 

6. Mailing Address _______________________

7. Mobile ____________ Email ____________

9. D.D. Bank ____________________________

D. D. No. _____________ Date 
10. Are You Presenting a Paper? Yes / No 
11. Title of the Paper: 

Participant’s Sign._____________

Head /Principal’s Sign. With seal 
(Photo Copy of this may be used)

Registration Fees:- 

Rs. 500/- for college teachers and Rs. 250 per student to be sent in the form of a demand draft of any nationalized bank drawn in favour of the Principal ACS College, payable at Gangakhed branch on or before 15th April. 2013 .
Spot registration fees Rs. 700/- & 300/- respectively. 
Note: Your physical presence is mandatory for attendance certificate. 
Your papers shall not be entertained without registration fee. 
Co-writes of the papers without registration shall be charged Rs. 200 separately.


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