Ed. Cet Notification 2012

Education Common Entrance Test (EdCET-2012) for the year 2012 will be conducted by Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.

Sale of application forms:
Prescribed printed application form along with OMR cum ICR application form and information booklet can be had across the counters from all the Head Post Offices and the University Post Offices in the State of A.P. The application forms can also be had from designated main Branches of AXIS Bank outlets in A.P. for details of Branches visit Websites http://edcet2012.info/www.edcet2012.info http://www.andhrauniversity.info/, and http://www.apsche.org/.
Submission of application forms :

Filled-in application forms should be submitted along with relevant documents to The Convener, Ed.CET-2012, Examination Block (Ground Floor), A.U College of Engineering (A), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam- 530 003, A.P., either in person or by Speed/Registered Post only on or before 5.00 P.M, 23.04.2012.

Submission of filled in applications online:  

Applications also can be submitted online. However, a copy of the application downloaded along with two passport size photographs and D.D. for Rs. 150/- drawn from any Nationalized Bank in favor of “The Secretary, APSCHE, payable at Hyderabad, must be sent to the Convener, Ed.CET-2012, Examination Block (Ground Floor), A.U College of Engineering (A), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam- 530 003 on or before 5.00 P.M, 23.04.2012. For further details on Eligibility, age, syllabi, related instructions and other information visit websites: http://edcet2012.info/www.edcet2012.info http://www.andhrauniversity.info/, and http://www.apsche.org/.

Date of issue of Notification05-03-2012 (Monday)
Commencement of sale of Application Forms09-03-2012 (Friday)
Last date for the sale & receipt of Application Forms23-04-2012 (Monday)
Date of issue of Hall-Tickets22-05-2012 (Tuesday)
Cost of Application form Rs.150/-
Date of Ed.CET-2012 examination
08-06-2012 (Friday)
(11:00 AM to 01:00 PM)


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