Department of English KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY Warangal, India-506 009 Call for Papers A Two-Day National Seminar on Women’s Autobiography in India: Theory and Practice March 29-30, 2014 Women’s life narratives, a generic term for women’s autobiographies, memoirs and testimonios , has emerged as a genre, consequent to the postmodernist thrust on liberation discourse. Though these narratives blur genre boundaries, they depict the ‘I’ with a focus on the individual—notion of a private self—revealing a split between public and private self-representations. Violating the parameters of the canonical autobiography, they create testimonios of gender, caste, class and religion, and provide an alternative source of history. The works narrate the self vis-à-vis family, society and politics bearing witness to gendered subordination. Narrated in the first person, and the narrator being a protagonist or witness of the events recounted, the unity of the narration could be a ...