Views expressed by Matthew Arnold’s in “The Function of Criticism at the Present Time"
What are the views expressed by Matthew Arnold’s in his
critical essay “The Function of Criticism at the Present Time?”
essay “The Function of Criticism at the Present Time” is one of the most
important critical essays of Matthew Arnold.
It lays down the creed for Arnold’s critical approach and practical
criticism. It is a sort of preamble to
Arnold’s canons and concept of an ideal critic of life and literature.
Arnold says that critical faculty is
as important as the creative faculty.
Behind every act of creative faculty there is a good deal of critical
faculty. In fact, no great work of any
rank is possible with but the good deal of critical effort behind it. So there is a great need for and importance
of criticism in English literature. It
is true that the critical effort is lower in rank than the creative power. But a man may use his critical power to
produce great critical works as usually as in producing great works of art and
Arnold says that a creative writer
needs to have currents of fresh and new ideas.
The function of a critic is to provide these currents of fresh and new
ideas. Arnold defines criticism as a
disinterested endeavour to learn and propagate the best that is known and
thought in the world. In an age in which
currents of fresh and new ideas are wanting no great work can ever be
produced. A creative genius does not
discover new things for that is the business of a critic. Arnold says that “synthesis
and exposition, not of analysis and discovery.”
He is inspired by a certain intellectual and spiritual atmosphere, by a
certain order of ideas. Two factors are
needed for the production of a great work – the power of man and the power of
moment. The man is enough without the
A poet must know all about the human
life and the world around him. This
knowledge of the world involves a great deal of critical effort. There was a great burst of ideological
activity in the England of Shakespeare and in Greece of Pindar. Those ages were saturated with fresh and new
ideas and this made the society intellectually alive.
In Arnold’s opinion criticism can
actually prepare the ground for the existence of great creative power. A poet must know all about the life and world
before dealing with them in poetry. Knowing about life and world implies a
great critical effort. Then the poet,
with all his creative gift needs to make a great critical effort before being
able to create anything worthwhile. Both
Byron and Goethe had a great productive power.
But Goethe’s poetry was nourished by a great critical effort which the
Byron’s poetry was not. So Byron’s
poetry does not have the enduring qualifies of the Goethe’s poetry.
The English poetry of the first
quarter of the 19th century, with plenty of energy and plenty of
creative power, did not have enough knowledge.
It did not have an adequate critical effort behind it. So Byron’s poetry is so empty of matter and
Shelley’s poetry is so incoherent. Wordsworth,
though profound lacked completeness and variety. Wordsworth would have been a greater poet if
he had read more books. This does not
mean that reading of books is the only means to that knowledge of life and
world. Pindar and Sophocles are no great
readers and Shakespeare was no deep reader.
But these men lived during periods of history characterized by new and
fresh ideas which produced a stir and growth in society. But during the first quarter of the 19th
century there was no national glow of light and thought as there was during the
times of Pindar and Sophocles or during the time of Shakespeare. So a thorough interpretation of life and
world is lacking in the poetry of first quarters of the 19th
Qualifications of a Good Critic: Arnold prescribes a very high qualifications and
acquisitions for a critic. He should be
a devoted scholar and an observer of life.
He should know the best that is known and thought in the world. He must have knowledge of all subjects and in
all branches of knowledge. He should be
a man of wide knowledge and learning. He
must have no practical biases or prejudices.
He should not belong to any political party or faction. He must be absolutely detached and
impartial. He must have no practical
considerations and ends in view.
Sincerity, impartiality and fearlessness are very essential for a
critic. He may accept many pitfalls, he
may be misunderstood, abused and condemned.
But he should not be disturbed or dismayed by such condemnation. He should go on the path of truth and
Duties and Obligations of a Critic: In Arnold’s opinion a critic has a very high duties and
obligations to society. He felt that
during his period criticism was at a very lowest ebb. Many false estimations prevailed in his
age. Inferior works and paltry writers
were praised and many good books were run down.
It is the duty of a critic to refine the tastes of the public. A critic should train the public mind to
distinguish between what is really beautiful and what is not. This task was not so easy. But he must pursue his goal with patience,
courage and impartiality. He must know
and propagate the best that has been known and thought in the world. He must know and propagate the requisitions
of true culture. He should not write in
a hurry. He should allow time to his
ideas to nurture. He must perform his
duties with a high sense of social service and spiritual perfection.
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