International Humour Conference
LITTCRIT THREE-DAY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON H U M O U R : T E X T S / C O N T E X T S 6 - 8 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 3 Theme and Theme-note of the Conference: The theme of the conference is Humour: Texts, Contexts. Humour is a ubiquitous aspect of culture that has been largely neglected in the academic domain, but recently salvaged by Cultural Studies. The conference will highlight the interdisciplinary relevance of humour research, from the perspectives of literary studies, education, psychology, anthropology, sociology, politics, religion, philosophy, business, healthcare, and others. There will be invited lectures on the various facets of humour, its functions and relationships, on humour theories, and how humour varies according to culture, age, gender, purpose and context. Papers and poster presentations will be invited from academics, scholars and students from various universities and departments across the country under the following sub-categories: 1. Types of Humo...